
Population Association of Sri Lanka (PASL) 25th Council 


The Population Association of Sri Lanka has been organized a one day workshop on "DATA ANALYSIS FOR RESEARCH" on  2023.03.18 (Saturday) from  8.30 a.m. - 4.30 p.m. at the Department of Demography, Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo.The  resource persons for the workshop will be, EMERITUS PROFESSOR K.A.P. SIDDHISENA. Reserve your seat before 15th March 2023 on or before 4.00 p.m.
Registration Fees
For PASL Members - RS.3000/-
For Non-Members:
RS. 5000/- Individual 
RS. 12,000/- A team of three
RS. 20,000/- A team of five
Click Here to Register
University Guest Lecture Series for Undergraduates

The University Guest Lecture Series for Undergraduates organized by the Population Association of Sri Lanka will be held on 2023.01.24 at 8.00 a.m. -10.00 a.m. at Lecture Hall 128, Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo.
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Population Association of Sri Lanka (PASL) 24th Council 

Exploratory Analysis of Demographic Data Using Graphical and Numerical Methods  

The third guest lecture which was organized by the 24th Council of the Population Association of Sri Lanka (PASL) was conducted virtually through zoom on the 19th of December by Dr. Rushan Abegunawardana, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Statistics, University of Colombo on Exploratory Analysis of Demographic Data Using Graphical and Numerical Methods”. Dr. Abegunawardana has nearly 20 years of teaching statistics at the University.

The recording of the lecture can be obtained from the given link below.



Best Research Award - 2021

Post Graduate and Open Category


Flyer Revised 

The application can be downloaded here. 

Guest lecture on "Impact of Climate Change and Natural Disasters on Population Migration and Distribution in Sri Lanka" 

The 2nd Guest Lecture organized by the 24th Council of the Population Association of Sri Lanka was conducted virtually on the 4th December 2021 by Mr. Ranjith Weerasekara, Statistical Officer attached to the Disaster Management Unit (DMC) of the State Ministry of National Security and Disaster management on "Impact of Climate Change and Natural Disasters on Population Migration and Distribution in Sri Lanka". He obtained B.Sc Special Degree in Geography from the University of Sri Jayawardhanapura and Joined the Department of Census and Statistics in 1999. He has a wide experience in analyzing population data with GIS. 

The recording of the lecture can be obtained from the given link below.


pasl guest lec series 2 v1 2

Guest lecture on COVID- 19 Pandemic: Preparedness for Breathing Challenge through Yogic Pranayama 

A series of guest lectures are planned to conduct by the 24th Council of the Population Association of Sri Lanka (PASL) while earmarking the 25th Anniversary of the PASL (2017-2022) under the broad theme of "Population in Focus: Advancing Knowledge & Building Connections". The first guest lecture of the series was conducted virtually through zoom on the 2nd of October by Dr.(Mrs.) M.W.S.J. Kumari, Senior Lecturer of the Institute of Indigenous Medicine, the University of Colombo on “COVID- 19 Pandemic: Preparedness for Breathing Challenge through Yogic Pranayama”. The recording of the lecture can be obtained from the given link below.


pasl guest lec series 1 v1.3


Population Association of Sri Lanka (PASL) 23rd Council 

Webinar on Emerging population issues in the context of COVID-19 pandemic”.

The 23rd Council of the Population Association of Sri Lanka (PASL) host the webinar on “Emerging population issues in the context of COVID-19 pandemic”. 0n 25 July 2021 via Zoom.

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Guest lecture on Protection from COVID-19: An Ayurvedic Approach 

Dr. (Ms.) M. W. S. J. KumariSenior Lecturer of Ayurveda at the Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo was the guest speaker of the event and more than 150 participants were joined for this event. Guest lecture was held on 9th June 2021 via zoom platform. 


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This video series is an attempt to make the PASL membership aware of different organizations and institutes that collect reliable demographic and related data, and the different types of data collected by these organizations which can be used for demographic research and policy planning.

Video Session 1:

Introduction to demographic data sources by Professor K.A.P. Siddhisena, Emeritus Professor of Demography, University of Colombo


Capture 2 Capture 1

Video Session 2:

Data from the Department of Census and Statistics by Dr. Indu Bandara, former Director General - Department of Census and Statistics


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Video Session 3:

Data from the Ministry of Health by Ms. Ms.M.M Darshani,Senior Statistician, Medical Statistics Unit, Ministry of Health


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Video Session 4:

Data from the Department of Register General by Mr. K.S.L.R. Senadeera, Deputy Director, Vital Statistics Unit, Department of Register Genaral

  Capture 9900   Capture 7900



Population Association of Sri Lanka (PASL) 22nd PASL Council 

       Inauguration of the Twenty First Annual Scientific Sessions of the PASL 

       Twenty first Annual Scientific Sessions


  • Annual sessions 2010

  • Organization of special lecture series on population and related issues in all three mediums for university students.

  • Publishing an annual refereed journal named Sri Lanka Journal of Population Studies – Volumes 1 to 16 have been published already.

  • Publishing a monograph on ageing in Sri Lanka

  • Organization of public lecture series.

  • PASL newsletter (bi-annually)  

  • Offering special awards to eminent scholars who made distinguished contribution

  • to the field of population by way of research and studies accomplished by them.     

  • Conducting young talent competition in the field of population/demography

  • Conducting training programmes for university personnel and public sector personnel in the field of population/demography

  • Organizing annual sessions accompanied by annual general meetings

  • Organizing workshops on population issues

  • Special Events


Annual sessions

PASL – 2018/2019

Annual Scientific Sessions

Twentieth Annual Scientific Sessions of the PASL were successfully held at the Department of Demography, University of Colombo on 9th June 2018. The sessions were under four themes with eleven presentations. Inauguration ceremony of the Scientific Sessions was addressed by the President of the PASL-Mr. Wimal Nanayakkara, Keynote Speaker-Senior Professor Lakshman Dissanayake, Vice Chancellor, University of Colombo, Guest of Honour-Ms. Ritsu Nacken, UNFPA Country Representative of Sri Lanka and Chief Guest-Professor Ananda Jayawardane, Director General, National Science Foundation. The Scientific Sessions concluded with interactive panel discussions.


Organization of special lecture series on population and related issues in all three mediums for university students.
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